Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Company Name
wanderout Inc.

Name of Business
Hiroshi Oppata

Address of business
Room 307, 1-30-10 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0021, Japan

Contact address

Business hours, store information, etc.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please contact us by e-mail.
We do not provide telephone support.

Contact address

Sales Price
The selling price will be the amount indicated (indicated price/including consumption tax).

Method and timing of payment
Payment methods: Credit card, carrier payment, Amzon Pay, and Pay Pal are available.
Payment is finalized at the time the order is confirmed.

Product delivery time
Products will be shipped within 5 business days of receipt of delivery request.

Return Policy
We generally do not accept returns unless the product is defective.